Results for 'Donovan Ebersole Smucker'

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  1. (1 other version)Borderlands of Theology.Donald M. Mackinnon, George W. Roberts & Donovan E. Smucker - 1969 - Religious Studies 5 (1):115-116.
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  2. (1 other version)Verb Tenses as Expressors and Indicators.Frank B. Ebersole - 1952 - Analysis 12 (5):101 - 113.
  3. The definition of `pragmatic paradox'.Frank B. Ebersole - 1953 - Mind 62 (245):80-85.
  4. Meaning and Saying.Frank B. Ebersole - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (214):555-557.
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    Saying what you know.Frank B. Ebersole - 2000 - Philosophical Investigations 23 (3):242–249.
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  6. Christian Faith and Man's Religion.Mark C. Ebersole - 1961
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    Things We Know: Fourteen Essays on Problems of Knowledge.Frank B. Ebersole - 1967 - Oreg., University of Oregon Books.
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    Things we know.Frank B. Ebersole - 1967 - Eugene, Or.,: University of Oregon Books.
    "[Reading Ebersole] requires and often succeeds in producing a radical reorientation of one´s thinking . . . " from a book review Things We Know is a collection of fifteen essays that focus on perennial philosophical problems about knowledge. The essays let you participate in Frank Ebersole´s unique struggles to come to terms with such questions as: Can we know the world? . . . the past? . . . the future? . . . of God´s existence? . (...)
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    Meaning and Saying: Essays in the Philosophy of Language.Frank B. Ebersole - 1979
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    Stalking the Rigid Designator.Frank B. Ebersole - 1982 - Philosophical Investigations 5 (4):247-266.
    Takes up Kripke's theory of reference for proper names and natural kind words. Advocates investigation by means of ordinary language examples. Finds the problem for which Kripke's theory is offered as an answer seems to rest on an implausible picture of language.
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    Everyman's ontological argument.Frank B. Ebersole - 1978 - Philosophical Investigations 1 (4):1-15.
  12. Iv.–de somniis.Frank B. Ebersole - 1959 - Mind 68 (271):336-349.
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    Language and Perception: Essays in the Philosophy of Language.Frank B. Ebersole - 2002
    [Frank Ebersole is a philosopher] "whose contribution to philosophy... is the greatest of anyone this [the 20th] century, especially in the areas of philosophy of language, theory of knowledge, and perception." from Wittgenstein, Empiricism, and Language by John W. Cook (Oxford University Press, 1999). Language and Perception has nine chapters: seven that address philosophical problems about language and two (chapters 2 and 9) that are more metaphilosophical The metaphilosophical chapters discuss philosophical pictures and some of Frank Ebersole's basic (...)
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    On certain confusions in the analytic-synthetic distinction.Frank B. Ebersole - 1956 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (16):485-494.
    Interessanter Artikel. Ebersole fordert ein extensionales Kriterium für die Unterscheidung, erklärt die Suche aber für aussichtslos. Er betont, dass nur Aussagen analytisch sind, nicht Sätze. Er betont, dass empirische Allsätze weder prinzipiell analytisch noch synthetisch sind, ihr Wahrheitswert ist unbestimmt. Erst, wenn wir alle Gegenstände kennen, die unter den allquantifizierten Begriff fallen, können wir dies sagen. (Hier habe ich Probleme, da ich Allquantifikation über undefinierten Begriffen unzulässig finde.).
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  15. Church Lobbying in the Nation's Capital.Luke Ebersole - 1951
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    How philosophers see stars.Frank B. Ebersole - 1965 - Mind 74 (296):509-529.
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  17. Things We Know: Fourteen Essays on Problems of Knowledge.Frank B. Ebersole - 1967 - Foundations of Language 10 (4):601-605.
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  18. Meaning and Saying: Essays in the Philosophy of Language.Frank B. Ebersole - 1981 - Mind 90 (359):459-462.
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    Reconsidering Some Passages in Wittgenstein.Frank B. Ebersole - 1972 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):1 - 28.
    I want to consider some difficulties which I have on rereading the passages on “common properties” or “common features” and “family resemblances” in The Blue Book and in Philosophical Investigations. These passages are not as easy to read as they once were. Wittgenstein tells us that we think, or have a tendency to think, that all the things to which we apply a general word have some property or feature in common, and he tells us that we believe it is (...)
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    O cinema feminino como um retrato de si: o enquadramento feminino em 'Retrato de uma jovem em chamas'.Ana Paula Penkala & Isadora Ebersol - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):2-36.
    Retrato de uma jovem em chamas, filme de Céline Sciamma, propõe a discussão sobre o “olhar feminino”, tanto na pintura quanto no cinema. O artigo parte da perspectiva dos Estudos Feministas e busca correlações entre o filme e o cânone da literatura, da pintura e do cinema e o sistema patriarcal que lhes dá suporte. Observa como esse cânone instrumentaliza um culto à passividade feminina e sua inscrição enquanto objeto na História, estetizando “a mulher morta” como índice dessa representação. Parte (...)
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  21. Things We Know.Frank B. Ebersole - 1969 - Synthese 19 (3):478-480.
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    Whether existence is a predicate.Frank B. Ebersole - 1963 - Journal of Philosophy 60 (18):509-524.
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    Free-choice and the demands of morals.Frank B. Ebersole - 1952 - Mind 61 (242):234-257.
  24. Japanese Religion.Gary Ebersole - 2007 - In John Corrigan, The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Emotion. Oup Usa.
  25. Origin explanations and the origin of life.Frank B. Ebersole & Marvin M. Shrewsbury - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (38):103-119.
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    On seeing things.Frank B. Ebersole - 1961 - Philosophical Quarterly 11 (October):289-300.
  27. BOYCE, MARY (1989) A Persian Stronghold of Zoroastrianism (Lanham, University Press of America). CHATTOPADHYAYA, DP et al.(1992) Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy (Delhi, Motilal Banarsi-dass). CHING, JULIA & OXTOBY, WILLARD G.(1992) Moral Enlightenment (Nettetal, Steyler Verlag). [REVIEW]Gary L. Ebersole, Gw Farrow, I. Menin, Ann Grodzins Gold, Herbert Guenther, Hc Khare, Jn Mohanty, Clarendon Press Oxford, Shigoneri Nagatomo & Ir Netton - 1993 - Asian Philosophy 3 (2).
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    Kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms: The Militarization of Aesthetics in Japanese History (review). [REVIEW]Gary L. Ebersole - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (4):607-610.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms: The Militarization of Aesthetics in Japanese HistoryGary L. Ebersolekamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms: The Militarization of Aesthetics in Japanese History. By Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. Pp. xvii + 411.In the 2004 American presidential campaign, a film clip of a young John Kerry testifying against the Vietnam War before a congressional committee hearing received significant television air time. In the (...)
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    The Social Responsibilities of International Business Firms in Developing Areas.Frederick Bird & Joseph Smucker - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (1):1-9.
    Three principles must be taken into account in assessing the social responsibilities of international business firms in developing areas. The first is an awareness of the historical and institutional dynamics of local communities. This influences the type and range of responsibilities the firm can be expected to assume; it also reveals the limitations of any universal codes of conduct. The second is the necessity of non-intimidating communication with local constituencies. This requires the firm to temper its power and influence by (...)
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  30. Review of: Isomae Jun'ichi, Kiki shinwa no metahisutori. [REVIEW]Gary Ebersole - 1999 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 26 (1-2):206-208.
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    Introduction: International Business Firms, Economic Development, and Ethics.Frederick Bird, Joseph Smucker & Manuel Velasquez - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S2):81 - 84.
    In 1978, 16 months after Mao Zedong’s death, China’s new leader, Deng Xiaoping, introduced market reforms and an “opening” to the West that allowed the US company Hewlett-Packard to enter China in 1981. Shortly thereafter, HP began a partnership with the Chinese company Legend Computer, through which HP transferred its technology in four main areas: product technology, business model, management practices, and strategic planning processes. This technology transfer seems to be a “just exchange” in that HP received access to China’s (...)
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  32. The Feminist Care Tradition in Animal Ethics: A Reader.Josephine Donovan & Carol J. Adams (eds.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    In _Beyond Animal Rights_, Josephine Donovan and Carol J. Adams introduced feminist "ethic of care" theory into philosophical discussions of the treatment of animals. In this new volume, seven essays from _Beyond Animal Rights_ are joined by nine new articles-most of which were written in response to that book-and a new introduction that situates feminist animal care theory within feminist theory and the larger debate over animal rights. Contributors critique theorists' reliance on natural rights doctrine and utilitarianism, which, they (...)
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    Resurrection and moral order: an outline for evangelical ethics.Oliver O'Donovan - 1986 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans.
    In this revision of a seminal work, O'Donovan describes the shape of a Christian moral theology which has wide implications for creation, history, knowledge, freedom, and authority--his purpose being to outline a system of theological ethics and to describe the nature of the moral response within redeemed creation: acts of surrender, obedience, and love.
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    When Economic Growth Rhymes with Social Development: The Malaysia Experience. [REVIEW]Rabia Naguib & Joseph Smucker - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S2):99 - 113.
    This article examines the means by which Malaysian governments have been relatively successful in pursuing both economic development and social equity. These advances have been remarkable, given Malaysia's history of colonial servitude and racial and ethnic tensions. The authors' examination of government economic and social policies notes the importance of strong political leadership that is committed to creating a national identity through consensus building. In pursuing these social objectives, successive governments have also played an active and transparent role in fostering (...)
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  35. Scrutinizing Science: Empirical Studies of Scientific Change.Arthur Donovan, Larry Laudan & Rachel Laudan - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (4):1063-1065.
  36. Religious Affects: Animality, Evolution, and Power.Donovan O. Schaefer - unknown
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  37. Beyond animal rights: a feminist caring ethic for the treatment of animals.Josephine Donovan & Carol J. Adams (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Continuum.
    Contains eight contributions which extend feminist ethic-of-care theory to the issue of animal well-being. As a group, the essays aim to suggest ways that theorists can move beyond the notion of animal rights to establish care as a basis for the ethical treatment of animals. Annotation c. by Book.
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  38. The Just War Revisited.Oliver O'Donovan - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Leading political theologian Oliver O'Donovan here takes a fresh look at some traditional moral arguments about war. Modern Christians differ widely on this issue. A few hold that absolute pacifism is the only viable Christian position, others subscribe in various ways to concepts of 'just war' developed out of a Western tradition that arose from the legacies of Augustine and Aquinas, while others still adopt more pragmatically realist postures. Professor O'Donovan re-examines questions of contemporary urgency including the use (...)
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    Actual and Perceived Stability of Preferences for Life-Sustaining Treatment.R. Mitchell Gready, Peter H. Ditto, Joseph H. Danks, Kristen M. Coppola, Lisa K. Lockhart & William D. Smucker - 2000 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 11 (4):334-346.
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  40. Feminism and the treatment of animals : from care to dialogue.Josephine Donovan - 2008 - In Susan Jean Armstrong & Richard George Botzler, The animal ethics reader. New York: Routledge.
  41. Russell on Russellian Monism.Donovan Wishon - 2015 - In Torin Andrew Alter & Yujin Nagasawa, Consciousness in the Physical World: Perspectives on Russellian Monism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 91-118.
    In recent decades, Russell’s “Neutral Monism” has reemerged as a topic of great scholarly interest among philosophers of mind, philosophers of science, and historians of early analytic philosophy. One of the most controversial points of scholarly dispute regarding Russell’s theory concerns how it best fits into standard classificatory schemes for understanding the relationship between mental phenomena and physical reality. The task of classifying Russell’s Neutral Monism is made all the more difficult by the fact that his conception of it evolves (...)
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  42. Radical Empiricism, Neutral Monism, and the Elements of Mind.Donovan Wishon - 2021 - The Monist 104 (1):125-151.
    Neutral monism is the view that both ‘mind’ and ‘matter’ are grounded in a more fundamental form of reality that is intrinsically neither mental nor material. It has often been treated as an odd fringe theory deserving of at most a footnote in the broader philosophical debates. Yet such attitudes do a grave disservice to its sophistications and significance for late nineteenth and early twentieth-century philosophy of mind and psychology. This paper sheds light on this neglected view by situating it (...)
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  43. Russellian Acquaintance and Frege’s Puzzle.Donovan Wishon - 2016 - Mind 126 (502):321-370.
    In this paper, I argue that a number of recent Russell interpreters, including Evans, Davidson, Campbell, and Proops, mistakenly attribute to Russell what I call ‘the received view of acquaintance’: the view that acquaintance safeguards us from misidentifying the objects of our acquaintance. I contend that Russell’s discussions of phenomenal continua cases show that he does not accept the received view of acquaintance. I also show that the possibility of misidentifying the objects of acquaintance should be unsurprising given underappreciated aspects (...)
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  44. Marxism Against Utilitarianism in Beauvoir's Ethics of Ambiguity.Donovan Miyasaki - manuscript
    Beauvoir’s Ethics of Ambiguity appears to defend a distinctly existentialist, deontologically-constrained version of consequentialism. On that interpretation, her belief that freedom consists in the real possibilities provided by our concrete situation leads her to reject Kantian autonomy to allow for some consequentialist decisions, while her belief that our situation derives its meaning from freely-chosen projects leads her to limit such choices to their consequences for situated freedom rather than general happiness. However, I will argue that Beauvoir’s view is better understood (...)
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  45. Panpsychism, Panprotopsychism, and Neutral Monism.Donovan Wishon - 2016 - In Brian P. McLaughlin, Philosophy: Mind (MacMillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks). Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan. pp. 51-70.
    This chapter provides an introduction to panpsychism, panprotopsychism, and neutral monism to an interdisciplinary audience.
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    Pushing the boundaries: Uterine transplantation and the limits of reproductive autonomy.Laura O’Donovan - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (8):489-498.
    Over the course of recent years, various scientific advances in the realm of reproduction have changed the reproductive landscape, enhancing women’s procreative rights and the choices available to them. Uterus transplants (UTx) are the latest of such medical innovations aimed at restoring fertility in women suffering from absolute uterine factor infertility, providing them with the possibility not only of conceiving a genetically related child but also of gestating their own pregnancies. This paper critically examines the primacy of reproductive liberty in (...)
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    Putting humanity back into the teaching of human biology.Brian M. Donovan - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 52 (C):65-75.
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  48. A Ground for Ethics in Heidegger's Being and Time.Donovan Miyasaki - 2007 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 38 (3):261-79.
    In this essay I suggest that Heidegger’s Being and Time provides a ground for ethics in the notion of Dasein’s ‘Being-guilty.’ Being-guilty is not a ground for ethics in the sense of a demonstration of the moral ‘ought’ or a refutation of moral skepticism. Rather, Being-guilty serves as a foundation for ethical life in a way uniquely suited to a phenomenological form of ethics, a way that clarifies, from a phenomenological point of view, why the traditional approach to ethics is (...)
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    The Unified Brain Based Determination of Death and DCCD/NRP: Curb Your Enthusiasm.G. Kevin Donovan & Christopher DeCock - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (6):87-88.
    In his article, a unified brain-based determination of death is described by James Bernat (2024) as a permanent cessation of systemic circulation causing a permanent cessation of brain circulation...
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  50. Attention to suffering: A feminist caring ethic for the treatment of animals.Josephine Donovan - 1996 - Journal of Social Philosophy 27 (1):81-102.
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